Title: "Eroding Hopes, Unbreakable Spirits: Stories from Disangmukh's Riverbank"
The people of Disangmuk never imagined their hopes would one day be eroded. As riverine dwellers, they have always placed their faith in education, nature, and above all, in the educated individuals of their village. The local schools have been a beacon of hope for the impoverished villagers, where their sons and daughters receive an education. However, their tranquillity was shattered one fateful day when they received distressing news—the road was on the verge of being washed away that very night.
The area most severely affected is Afala village, where the mighty Brahmaputra River looms dangerously close. The riverbank now stands a mere 20 feet away from the road, with one section menacingly angling towards the lower part of the village. On the other side of the eroding road lies Afala Mising High School (Amalgamated), the alma mater of many individuals who have gone on to establish themselves in their respective fields.
Last Friday, the villagers appeared perplexed and confused, yet resolute in their determination to save the E.N.D road. The stakes were high—for them, it meant the potential loss of everything: their homes, their livelihoods, and their way of life. Personally, my utmost concern lay with my cherished high school, where I had received my education. The mere thought of the school being washed away if the road were to break sent shivers down my spine.
Despite valiant efforts, the embankments proved feeble, and neither the porcupines nor the geo tubes proved effective. The once-distant riverbank, unseen from the road, now stretches perilously close, encroaching upon the woodlands where young girls once gathered logs and ferns. Cows freely roamed the area, with the elusive tiger rarely venturing near. Cowboys skillfully climbed trees, harvesting fruits and finding respite beneath the sprawling branches of plum trees. The forest resounded with the melodies of their songs, as they sang Oi:nitom in unison.
However, my anxiety eased when a relative informed me that the water level had receded, reducing the risk of road erosion. Nonetheless, floodwaters persisted, and it is imperative that we express our gratitude to all the dedicated personnel from various offices who tirelessly worked to restore the eroded road. Special commendation is due to Mr. Shantiram Panging, the president of Disangmukh Gaon Panchayat, and Mr. Sanjib Phulkonwar, the officer in charge of Disangmukh outpost, for their active involvement in the restoration efforts. We must also laud the villagers who steadfastly laboured, refusing to allow the floodwaters to erode their hopes. Hail DONYI: POLO!